Gill Calaery
“Susie Cole has taught me so much about property investing and developing. I chose The Good Property Company Mentorship Programme after scouting around – I was impressed with Susie’s knowledge and felt her style of teaching would suit my style of learning – it did! The content was perfect for me as a beginner and as I grew in knowledge and confidence the content seemed to develop too – quite clever really! This is a “warts n all” learning experience – no rose tinted specs. If it can happen either good or bad it pretty much has happened to Susie and she shares this candidly, steering us away making the same mistakes and guiding us to faster positive outcomes. I’ve also made lots of property chums in the group who bring so much to the party. They come from all walks of life and backgrounds and are attracted/selected for the group as they are high calibre quality individuals – “birds of a feather” is so true. Whilst I’ve completed the programme now – we are all still in touch and support each other through the group forums, and I’m welcome back anytime to drop in for a weekend to catch up with Susie and the group. Everyone’s journey, motivations and end goals are so vastly different, but we all work nicely together. What I enjoyed was the authentic learning experience – there was no selling, no pushing (unless you ask for it!) and no time-wasting, just good, genuine like-minded people who are up for sharing the ups and downs of their property journey and passion for self-development.”