Emily Choo



Apologies for it being so slow, please find below some headline figures with message as requested.

Working with Susannah and her team has been an extraordinary experience. She makes it easy to apply our learning, breaking up a goal into little tasks, so that we can focus our minds. Her light hearted but reassuring workshops also ”gently” pushes you out of your comfort zone, helping you realize what tasks are necessary to achieve your goals. The friends I have made on the journey has also been a big part of programme, it was great to bounce ideas off each other and share experiences.

While under her wing I was able to complete my most recent project in Bristol. With Susannah’s guidance, I was able to achieve maximum profit from my project.

My latest project figures:

Purchase price: £203,000
Refurb: £32,000
Valuation: £275,000
Profit: £35,000 – ”Chaching” !
Time frame: 6 months from offer accepted!

Property is immensely satisfying when you get it right, not to mention bringing you a step financially forward in life!


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What will I receive

I’m sharing everything I learnt on my journey to sourcing over £45 million of investment properties for an agreed purchase price of £30 million

I’m learning a lot and so will you

Download the Free 101 Property Lessons right now.

From ‘I could never do that’ to ‘Wow! I’m a financially free multi millionaire’

I’m sharing everything I learnt on my journey to sourcing over £45 million of investment properties for an agreed purchase price of £30 million

I’m learning a lot and so will you