Sourcing Discounted Deals Masterclass





Deal Sourcing


A complete course on how to get a constant stream of profitable property projects. You don’t need any property or sourcing experience to deliver profitable deals. I’ll show you the quick and simple steps to discounted deals. You’ll get easy-to-follow techniques to help identify and land your profitable deals, find your unique sourcing property strategy and carve out your own successful niche to easily make six figures sourcing property!


Fast Track

Training Portal

All the tools and resources you need PLUS ‘how to’ videos explaining each step clearly. You can watch and study these wherever and whenever you want, taking you through the whole Deal Sourcing Masterclass in easy-to-follow stages.


4 Simple Routes to Discounted Deals

This deal sourcing formula gives you a super simple approach to sourcing discounted deals and makes the whole process a breeze. It means you can break down deal sourcing into manageable bite-sized chunks

Super Productivity Deal Sourcing Templates & Systems

These will make sure you keep motivated, on track and start finding profitable property deals fast, I’ll send you in-depth videos, swipes and templates that you can use to source discounted deals now

Deal Analysis & Reporting 101

You don’t need any property experience to analyse your discounted deals successfully.  I’ll show you easy (and simple) methods to crunch the numbers

Enjoy a Growth Mindset

Direct to vendor deals are plentiful, from both landlords, where you can get a goldmine of a run of deals and direct to vendor where you can get the deepest discounts

Understand your Numbers

This masterclass helps you understand the numbers involved in all stages of deal sourcing, helps you set your personal targets and hit them out the park!

Tips and tricks

To become the Estate Agent’s favourite property investor, beating all competitors, so that the deal comes to you

Real Life Money Making Case Studies

One of the simplest ways to develop your skills in property: making property deal figures easy to understand. I’ll walk you through the figures

Fast Deal Sourcing Launch

Immediately use the systems and techniques to source deals and make money with property

Build your Confidence

As an inexperienced investor, using the course builds confidence, using the handouts of preparation, viewings and estate agent relationship management, to keep you on track as you develop your skills

Plus you’ll also get access to these great resources:

Join the Deal Sourcing Masterclass today and claim these FREE bonuses worth £194!

Done-For-You Template Bundle:
Ready-to-Use Pre-Designed Templates including:

Deal Packaging Agency


Fast track your credibility with investors! No need for expensive copy writers, and worries over how to present yourself to your investors. Use this tried and tested brochure template, which backed up my Deal Packaging Agency as we sourced over £45 million of deals for £30 million in less than 5 years Worth £49


Deal Packaging


Tried and tested Deal Sourcer and Packaging Agreement, created by my legal team, tried and tested by sourcing over 200 deals. Use it to protect you as you make fast five figure sums packaging property onto investors within a matter of weeks. Plus a membership fee t’s and c’s to bring in thousands in cash (we had on average 50 investors, each paying £1,000 to join!) from Day One! Worth £29


‘Estate Agent’


Simple, easy to follow excel spreadsheet allowing you to track – and never miss again – you calls to estate agents, to ensure you methodically work your way through your Estate Agents to supply you with the profit making deals to make you money. One missed call may be one missed deal earning you £thousands, you don’t want to lose out! Worth £29




Tried and tested template to get the best response when you go direct to vendor, enabling you to find discounted property deals fast. Covering everything your vendors need to know, ready to populate with your own details, and outsource to your local distribution company, you can sit back and watch the discounted property deals roll in! Worth £29


Discounted Deal

Property Viewing Template

Simple easy to follow property viewing template, which will allow you to easily break down the refurbishment needed and the physical condition of the discounted property even if you are inexperienced in renovating property. A step by step template I created when viewing thousands of deals, to ensure all vital information for costing the refurb is captured easily and simply. You’ll find property viewings a breeze with this template on your side! Worth £29





This templated sourcing system gives you a super simple approach to organise your deal sourcing, recording your viewings and offers and makes the whole process a breeze – means you can break down finding discounted property into manageable bite-sized chunks Worth £29


What can you


It is helpful to benchmark what you can achieve with others who have worked with this online Deal Sourcing Masterclass knowledge!


Purchase Price £85k. Refurb £7.8k. End Value (RICS) £130k

Brixton Road


Equity Wealth. Purchase Price: £203,000. Refurb: £32,000. Valuation: £275,000

Emily Choo

£2.2m GDV

Purchase Price £400k. Commercial Development

Arthur Dallimer


HMO Profit Each Year for life!

Simon Yuen

£2.5m Portfolio

£200k Rent Roll

£750k Flips

Colin McNulty


Equity Profit: London Flat

Purchase price £270k,
Worth £320k

James Doherty

How would you use

Cash you Generate

from finding profitable deals?

Use it to buy more property for Buy to Let,
for passive income, (my preferred spend)?

To give yourself or your family a treat?
Fancy car or holiday, anyone?!

To pay off your home mortgage?

Leave your J.O.B. (just over broke) and live
on the significant profit you can make?

What do folks have to say about our training?

Great content and delivered in a very effective way.

Brian Croucher


I already bought the flipping course yay flipping marvellous.

Sabina D'Costa


"I attended a 1-day workshop on Raising Private Finance, which I found to be
extremely informative, very good value and most enjoyable. Susannah is an excellent speaker, and her team were attentive and helpful throughout the day. I will certainly be attending future training events with The Good Property Company."

Steven Woods


One thing with Susannah’s materials and mentoring is she’s incredibly detailed with her systems and KPI’s... which is awesome. It let’s you run this thing like a business and identify any holes that may be happening in your processes. This will help you be as effective as possible in the short and long term. Embrace the process, focus your mind on enjoying learning and go and smash it... this stuff works! - Matt Sherriff

Matt Sherriff


"Have done a one day workshop on property sourcing and a taster weekend for the mentoring programme and I have to say, this is by far the most clear, detailed, and practical property course I have ever been on. It was so good I am signing up for the 12 month mentorship! Nothing beats knowledge, experience and insight when it comes to property education and Susannah has loads of it! Looking forward to the next 12 months!"

Talisa Wallace


"A weekend of packed content with lots of extra resources to take home."



I've looked at the bundles I've bought and the amount of information and lessons I've seen is unbelievable for the price.

John Hope


Since joining the TGPC course, I have gained the motivation and confidence to take action and buy a property for refurb and sell. I bought for £46k, and with a £5k refurbishment I expect to sell for £65k. I have also expanded my network enormously. - Sue Hillman

Sue Hillman


"This was an interesting and exciting day. I really learnt much more than I thought I would. There was real enthusiasm in the delivery of the teaching, both academically and in the interactive discussions. I really wanted more time to put forward ideas and ask questions at the end because the day had inspired so many new ideas and possibilities."

DM Brownie


I've worked with Susannah on building my property business and coaching business and loved the straight forward detail and quality of the information she shared. Even after 10 years in property I still know there is always the next level you can go to and Susannah is one of those property people at the next level.

Carl Hutchings


"We've just got back from what is our 3rd mentoring weekend and our brains are buzzing! Jam packed with relate-able information. Susannah and her team are outstanding and the quality of people in the room is quite extraordinary - 40 people, all at different stages of their property journey and all with so much respect and support for each other. I can learn from each and every one of them and it feels as though I have a giant net beneath me shouting "jump and I'll catch you" its a wonderful space, I can highly recommend it!!

Ben & Angle Nicholls


"Susannah has been fantastic, it is good to see the warts and all, a deep and transparent delve in to how the business is run and how you are successful with joint ventures and personal property. "

Alex Venables


I have know the TGPC for over a year and a half now. They are a fantastic team and Susannah Cole is brilliant. I have really enjoyed the online mentoring, so much content and real value for money. Plus you get to meet and network with some amazing people doing exciting stuff in property.

Chenai Banda


It was a wonderful delivery that you did at the Knightsbridge Progressive PIN. Your talk on deal sourcing is the best for me to date.

Louisa Mbadugha


I made a £7k first sourcing deal. Got paid 2 months after buying the Deal Packager Bundle

This lady has changed my life - best training out there. I have done 2 deals so far [£7k and £5k] and looking good for a third [£6k].

The deal packaging course is phenomenal and without doubt the best training I have received. I have bought a course before this one for double the price and was rubbish- hardly any content compared to this course

This is life changing for me

Pip Gallez
