Finding Investors Workshop





Raising Finance


A complete online course, designed to take you step by step to learn how to attract eager and good to work with investors to either give you private finance or Joint Venture with you on property projects.

This allows you to buy property with none of your own money. I will take you through how to find, assess and benefit from working with private investors, to grow your personal portfolio, make six figure income sums and gain financial freedom through using Other People’s Money. 


Fast Track

Training Portal

All the tools and resources you need PLUS ‘how to’ videos explaining each step clearly. You can watch and study these wherever and whenever you want, taking you through the whole Finding Investors Workshop in easy-to-follow stages.


Getting Investors Right For YOU

How to get to the top investors eager to give you money to enable your property dreams and  plans to come true

Simple Systems Processes

Use all my systems proven tried and tested

Become Unstoppable!

Never allow lack of finance to stop you again when you see how simple and easy it is to raise finance. How many property deals would you buy if money was no issue?

Getting to YES

Straightforward process win in both sides to make money

How to start

Fast Track your property launch with easy to implement to get started and change your life through investing in property – it worked for me, it can work for you!

Motivational Plan Keep You On Track

You got this! Easy to implement step by step plan to get you to your goal!

Only Work With Top Investors

System to vet investors, only work with the best to have a great private finance team.

Finding Investors

I’ll show you the process on how to find cash investors eager to work with you, who are a great match


How to prove credibility even as a new investor

Plus you’ll also get access to these great resources:

Join the Raising Private Finance Workshop now and receive these superb bonuses:

Done-For-You Template Bundle:
Ready-to-Use Pre-Designed Templates including:

Investor Management

101 Process

You don’t need any raising finance experience to deliver a highly profitable professional fundraising campaign. I’ll show you easy (and low-tech) shortcuts to manage the investor relationship you’ll love to work with, making money for you both.


Articles on How to Start

If you are not starting out with a large sum of money with which to invest what can you do? These articles detail your way forward for you.



‘Raising Finance’


So you can listen to it while you travel, commute, run or go to the gym, or enjoy on a long walk or drive!


What can you


It is helpful to benchmark what you can achieve with others who have worked with this online Raising Private Finance Workshop knowledge!

£95k Comfortable

From….‘You’ll never get me to borrow private finance!’ to so far raised £95k, and counting…

Tyna Collins


Private Finance Raised in 4 Days

Jonathan Guppy

£100k in 1 hour

Using all the techniques and systems in this workshop

Susannah Cole

Raised Over £1m

Using Documentation included in this Workshop

Craig Upkins

£134k Profit

Profit Split 50/50

One Flip Joint Venture Deal

Simon Yeun

£40k Profit 

Personal Profit, using none of my own Money. 

Southville Flats, JV Flip

Susannah Cole 

How would you use

Cash you Generate

from Property?

Use it to buy more property for Buy to Let,
for passive income, (my preferred spend)?

To give yourself or your family a treat?
Fancy car or holiday, anyone?!

To pay off your home mortgage?

Leave your J.O.B. (just over broke) and live
on the significant profit you can make?

What do folks have to say about our training?

"I would just like to thank TGPC for such a great day on Saturday 2nd June as I attended their property sourcing workshop.
So good to meet like minded people and other people's ideas and strategies.
Susannah Cole the host was so honest, experienced and down to earth she really does get her been there done it point of view across and I would highly recommend to anyone trying to improve on their own property journey to hook up with THE GOOD PROPERTY COMPANY.
Scott Everest"

Scott Everest


At last a few minutes to say thank you so much for your talk at the EPN meeting last week and to thank your team for sending the details and also sorting out a ticket as I could not make David's website take money! As I told you I saw you speak a few years ago and have been receiving your company emails over the years so was glad to find you were in London.

You are so inspirational and make it such fun, one thing I have found with going to the odd meeting over the last few months is the enthusiasm, the buzz, the creativity of the speakers and the people attending, should have sought out local meetings years ago never occurred to me they existed.

It is so good to meet like minded people and find out what has been happening over the years I have been 'dormant/becalmed' just never occurred to me that people would invest in me and property just about 99% of people I know would not, wonderful to find people who understand the great feeling it gives one, doing it alone was never easy and like you I had two children to support and a full time job, still working hence having to rush off and miss the fun of the pub.

I have found a deal .. Taking a second look this afternoon with the person, hopefully, putting up the money! Just need to get my head round how to mitigate all the costs, goodness they have escalated, stamp duty seems to be taking the majority of the profit!!

Thank you so much for BEING an inspiration and giving an inspirational talk .. hope our paths cross in the future.

Gail Dean


"I am a 21 year old student. Joining this course I had no experience and was just interested. I didn't think I would be able to buy a property. 6 months later I am planning on buying my first house and feeling confident about it. This course is for anyone, whether you are a experienced property developer or a beginner just thinking about it. Susannah makes a really comfortable environment and you get to meet loads of very interesting and inspiring people. I would definitely advise everyone to try it out!!!

Connor Will Hicks


"After researching and being involved with many companies giving property education, The Good Property Company's mentoring is second to none! Clear, concise and very very detailed. It's exactly what you need when starting out.

I can now (if I choose) retire at 30!

All thanks to Susannah...
How can I possibly put a price on that!"

Josh Knecht


Utilising TGPC’s frameworks and processes has really helped us to professionalise our business and maximise our R.O.I.

Erica Hurley


"honest, straight talking Suzanne is an inspiration to work with, Without unexpected selling technic. Pure knowledge in a fun friendly way!"

Eiran Samuels


"Since joining the group I have learnt so much from Susannah and participants alike. Utilising some of TGPCs frameworks and processes has really helped us to professionalise our business and maximise our R.O.I"

Erica Hurley


I joined Susannah Cole’s TGPC Property Entrepreneur’s programme in June 2016 and cannot rate it highly enough. The well structured course is delivered over a series of monthly weekend seminars allowing you to deep dive into all the subject matter without being rushed on to the next topic. Information is shared via easy to understand presentations and discussions with no get rich gimmicks or up selling to other courses or add on services.

One of the biggest benefits is the group of motivated and inspiring trainees. They bring a vast range of experience, knowledge, background and strategies but everyone is supportive and keen to share information and help each other. The regular meetings and conference calls mean that I have made some great contacts and friends that will be part of my property network for many years to come.

Andy Normans


It's brilliant. You will not get a better, or more realistic, property education anywhere else.

Dean Jordan


After seeing my two bmv flats vacant I just fell in love with them. 10 min walk to the town centre and 15 min walk to the train station, close to shops, pub, and the shopping mall. These are definitely a keeper. Will get them rented in a month, remortgage in 3 months get my money out and do some more deals knowing that I am £1000/month profit closer to my goal of financial freedom.
Flats Valued at 385k combined bought for 270k.

Kal Musa


In the first year of mentoring with Susannah I bought two properties. In my second year of mentoring with Susannah I am really going to go full time into property. The online course gives me a real boost, the confidence and knowledge to buy property, pack up all the information and go with it.

Chenai Banda


"Susannah is without a doubt the most inspirational person I have ever met. A true success in everything she attempts, this is down to nothing other than hard work and determination. After knowing Susannah for 18 months I have been amazed at her expertise and as a result I would by a property from her on just a text message!"

Josh Knecht


The Deal Packager bundle is very good

Farris Rahman


Just signed up - wow! A huge treasure trove of downloads, thank you!

Sudeep De


The mentoring year was really helpful; it sped up my development and progress enormously. During the year I did two buy to Sell Projects - one vanilla and one with a loft conversion and I made £140k on the first two projects that year.

I gave me the confidence to move much faster and grow much more quickly. Every time I hit a problem or speed bump, I found out it was normal and to be expected rather than anything I had done wrong.

It was important to me that I was doing and learning at the same time. That is why I go so much out of it, learning about the financing, having reassurance about the different ways and models. From there I have decided my route, using the structure of TGPC’s model, doing buy to sell, having a great end product that was really attractive visually, just like Susannah’s work. The first time I ever heard SC it clicked with me and made sense, and it still does.

This is still 100% the basis of my business.

Jethro East
