



How to make £hundreds of thousasnds of pounds of cash profit annually!

You’ll get easy-to-follow techniques to help identify and attract your target customers, identify new deal opportunities, find your unique selling property proposition and carve out your own successful niche to easily make six figure flipping property.


Members –
Only Fast Track
Training Portal

All the tools and resources you need PLUS ‘how to’ videos explaining each step clearly. You can watch and study these wherever and whenever you want, taking you through the whole flipping property strategy in easy-to-follow stages.

Training includes:

Flipping Property 101
You don’t need property experience to deliver high profits. I’ll show you the 7 easy (and simple to follow) stages in the Buy to Sell process to make you serious profit

Sweet Spot Pricing
Beginners can underestimate the power of even just one Buy to Sell Project a year to replace your income (and more!), make huge profits. I’ll show you how to find the perfect price point for your property to maximise sales AND profits and how to make money in every stage of the economic cycle, up and down!

Flipping Property Hacks
How to give your property unique attention-grabbing wow factor to grab your customers attention, make them want to buy your property super fast and beat your competition

Instant Market Place Analysis
One of the easiest ways to succeed is to understand the marketplace you are selling in. I’ll show you the quick and simple steps to understanding your local market, creating properties people will love to buy, making you even more money

Cash Flow Planner
Understand the benefit flipping property can bring to your overall property strategy. High injections of cash can make you a cash buyer for your next deal, lower your Loan to Value (LTV) to get cheaper mortgages and reduce costs, and having cash in the bank can strengthen your financial position

Main revenue stream of early and new investors
While they build their rental income. Early years of renovating rental properties is big on eating cash, so Flipping keeps people in the black and hundreds of thousands in profit in the meantime. Parallel strategy buy 5 keep 3 sell 2 buy 5 keep 2 sell

Instant 7ps marketing Analysis
By using the simple tool 7ps to analyse your flipping product can make sure it matches the highest customer demand and is so desirable so they grab it from you paying a high price, getting you the best no chain customers and paying you fast

A lister team building hacks
Shortcuts to building a superb contractor team, professional, builder, finance and administration. Your team do most of the work and you want the best, planned in advance to make is super easy for you to deploy them fast when a project comes up

How to source discounted deals
You make your money when you buy I’ll show you step by step the easy systems to use to sourced profitable property projects to flip and make six figure sums

Flipping finance
New property investors can be nervous about the funding options for flipping including bridging. I’ll walk you through the pros and cons of each funding route so you understand the best way to get finance for your profitable projects

Done for you


Instant Cashflow Planning Template
One of the easiest ways to succeed in property investing or as a property developer is to understand the flow of your cash as you spend and then make large lumps of cash. I’ll walk you through your easiest way to predict your profit and financial cash flows, with this handy easy to understand template. Cash is king and this property power hack template is worth its weight in gold, to keep you firmly on track for financial success

Business Tool: PESTLE: MarketPlace Intelligence Gathering
Simple ways to legally spy on your competitors, identify new opportunities, find your unique selling proposition and carve out your own successful niche

Power ‘Gap Anaylsis’ Hacks
How to identify what gaps you have in your flipping strategy, money, skills or finance, and give yourself the proven plan to profitably find the right solution fit for you, find your niche and deliver a highly profitable six figure flipping strategy.



1 per year? = £50,000

2 per year? = £100,000

1 per quarter? = £200,000

1 per month? = £600,000

Remember this is using industry standard mark-up 20%, on a property with all costs (purchase price, fees and refurb) on properties costing £250,000 selling for £300,000



More property for Buy to Let, for passive income, (my preferred spend)?

To give yourself or your family a treat?

Fancy car or holiday, anyone?!

To pay off your home mortgage?

Leave your J.O.B. (just over broke) and live on the significant profit you can make…


I attended a deal sourcing workshop On Saturday which was amazing. I learnt a lot of great insights and some of the minor nuances you don’t get on other courses. The workshop was filled with like-minded , Well spirited people. Susanna also had a great team supporting her which enabled her to give an outstanding workshop, to convey all points outlined in our schedule.

Darnell Vassa


Met this inspiring Lady on Saturday while attending her property workshop... Thank you @susannahcoleuk for putting on a fun and informative day, and a fab lunch! #Property #propertyinvesting #btl #property development #thegoodpropertycompany

Scott Meaden


‘I have attended as event crew on a few occasions although at first I was feeling nervous after all I didn’t know anyone there, but I didn’t need to worry as I was made to feel really welcome by Susannah and her team, this made me feel quite comfortable in the event.
The passion throughout the day was evident and the openness of Susannah and her team made them very approachable.
During the event although I had tasks to do I was not left alone, other support crew ensured I was ok. I was amazed how well all of the event crew were treated throughout.
When it was finished I was quite sad it was over.’

Simon Nicholas


I've looked at the bundles I've bought and the amount of information and lessons I've seen is unbelievable for the price.

John Hope


"I am a 21 year old student. Joining this course I had no experience and was just interested. I didn't think I would be able to buy a property. 6 months later I am planning on buying my first house and feeling confident about it. This course is for anyone, whether you are a experienced property developer or a beginner just thinking about it. Susannah makes a really comfortable environment and you get to meet loads of very interesting and inspiring people. I would definitely advise everyone to try it out!!!

Connor Will Hicks


A great evening at PPN Knightsbridge with Susannah Cole. Susannah is a fire rocket and has a £45m portfolio. Mostly bought with none or little of her own money. Very inspirational. Hope to hear her speak again soon.

Motiul Islam


What Susannah has done is give me good confidence and knowledge in multiple variations of investing - and made me look at my personal network.

Jason Duncan


"Fantastic night with wonderful Susannah Cole and Sarah Poynton-Ryan at Croydon Property Meet, full sold out event. Brilliant content, no question left unanswered both speakers going the extra mile to give attendees fantastic time" - Sel Fayyed

Sel Fayyed


"We've just got back from what is our 3rd mentoring weekend and our brains are buzzing! Jam packed with relate-able information. Susannah and her team are outstanding and the quality of people in the room is quite extraordinary - 40 people, all at different stages of their property journey and all with so much respect and support for each other. I can learn from each and every one of them and it feels as though I have a giant net beneath me shouting "jump and I'll catch you" its a wonderful space, I can highly recommend it!!

Ben & Angle Nicholls


I just wanted to say a huge thank you to Susannah and her team for the amazing effort they put into sharing their knowledge with the world! I really appreciate it, it’s helped me feel far braver and like I can achieve anything. Thank you

Kelly Shadbolt


My year in the online mentoring is coming to an end, And I wanted to thank you for putting this program which benefited me like a glove. A year on and I moved from thinking of wanting to be a property investor from my home in Spain to moving to Liverpool and buying my first BTS property at auction, refurbing it and pulling all my money out , Raising private finance and now just about to complete the purchase of 2 more properties I sourced from an estate agent.
Your support and advise a long the way was amazing and i'm feeling a bit nervous now as I will look for my mentor needs to take me through to my next year of property investments.

Thank you
Eiran Samuels

Eiran Samuels


Susannah is ace. I was massively against education but I really rate Susannah. It’s very easy to get lost in property but Susannah manages to do it in a way that makes sense. Before I was just winging it but now everything is much more planned. Made me realise the importance of a bookkeeper. The conference call was really excellent.

Ryan Caruthers


"The first of many visits here, certainly for the next year.

We attended a taster weekend in Bristol about buy to sell, coming away thoroughly impressed with Susannah, all staff, peers and of course the actual course content. Delivered with levels of energy and enthusiasm that are contagious and inspiring in equal measures, the whole experience further cemented our decision to promptly return to Leicester and join the one year face-to-face mentoring course.

For us TGPC is the 'right fit' for who we are, where we are and where we want to go in terms of business development.

The small, select group was warm, open and down right fun, making a weekend of work seem like nothing more than a weekend with new and very likeminded friends.

Learnt a lot and consumed cake a lot, both of which we highly doing with TGPC."

Darren Cadby-Lynch


I got the flipping property bundle 2 days ago. It is blowing my mind!!!

Cordelia Brown


Would highly recommend it to anyone wanting to learn about property inside and out. Susannah has so much to give and the knowledge she has is priceless

Craig Darlinson
