Flipping Property Workshop







Flipping Property


A complete course and one of the easiest ways to make a lot of cash profit in property is running a Flipping Property strategy.

You don’t have to have experience to make serious cash Flipping Property. At industry standard 20% markup, selling an ordinary property for £300k will bring you £50k profit after all costs. If you do one a year that is an income of £50,000. If you do one every 6 months, you already reach a six figure income. And how about doing only one a month? At £50k profit per property, you could be receiving £600k income a year.

Well worth learning those skills!


Fast Track

Training Portal

All the tools and resources you need PLUS ‘how to’ videos explaining each step clearly. You can watch and study these wherever and whenever you want, taking you through the whole Flipping Property Workshop in easy-to-follow stages.


Flipping Property 101

You don’t need property experience to deliver high profits. I’ll show you the 7 easy (and simple to follow) stages in the Buy to Sell process to make you serious profit

Sweet Spot Pricing

Beginners can underestimate the power of even just one Buy to Sell Project a year to replace your income (and more!), making huge profits. I’ll show you how to find the perfect price point for your property to maximise sales AND profits and how to make money in every stage of the economic cycle, up and down!

Flipping Property Hacks

How to give your property unique attention-grabbing wow factor to grab your customers attention, make them want to buy your property super fast and beat your competition

Instant 7ps Marketing Analysis

By using the simple tool 7ps to analyse your flipping product you can make sure it matches the highest customer demand and is so desirable so they grab it from you paying a high price, getting you the best no chain customers and paying you fast

A lister Team Building Hacks

Shortcuts to building a superb contractor team, professional, builder, finance and administration. Your team do most of the work and you want the best, planned in advance to make is super easy for you to deploy them fast when a project comes up

How to Source Discounted Deals

You make your money when you buy. I’ll show you step by step the easy systems to use to sourced profitable property projects to flip and make six figure sums

Instant Market Place Analysis

One of the easiest ways to succeed is to understand the marketplace you are selling in. I’ll show you the quick and simple steps to understanding your local market, creating properties people will love to buy, making you even more money

Flipping Marketing Makes You Profit

How to understand how to promote to your customers to get paid first

Get Paid FAST

How to get a property sold fast step by step conveyancing process which you drive to get the money in the bank


Plus you’ll also get access to these great resources:
Join the Online Flipping Workshop now and receive these superb bonuses!

Done-For-You Template Bundle:
Ready-to-Use Pre-Designed Templates including:

Instant cashflow


The easiest way to success in property is to understand the flow of your cash as you spend then make large lumps of cash. This property power hack template is worth its weight in gold, to keep you on track for financial success


Business tool



Even inexperienced Investors can use these simple ways to legally spy on your competitors, identify money making opportunities, and carve out your own successful niche!



‘Gap analysis’


How to identify what gaps you have in your flipping strategy, be they money, skills or time. How to give yourself the proven plan to find your niche and deliver a six figure flipping strategy.


Flipping Property Checklist 


Read this Property Checklist before Flipping Property. Don’t leave money on the table by making mistakes when you run a Buy to Sell Property Strategy


Deal Price Decider 101



Simple step by step guide showing you how to get your property deal offer price right so you make money when you buy!



‘Discounted Property’


I’ll show you how to find discounted (BMV or below market value) property deals that have the ability to make you a multi-millionaire.


What can you


It is helpful to benchmark what you can achieve with others who have worked with this online Flipping Property Masterclass knowledge


Profit Buy to Sell from a single project!

Ann-Marie Littler


Profit from two buy to sell projects

Jethro East


Profit from one flipping project

Arthur Dallimer


Profit fom One deal! Simon Yuen’s investor put in the money with a 50/50 split, and he was able to leave his day job as a result of his property success.


Gross Profit: Ellsworth Road

Purchase Price £103k,
renovation £15k
sold first weekend £150k


Gross Profit: Gatton Road

Purchase price £220k,
renovation £32,405,
Sold £312,101

How would you use

Cash you Generate

from flipping?

Use it to buy more property for Buy to Let,
for passive income, (my preferred spend)?

To give yourself or your family a treat?
Fancy car or holiday, anyone?!

To pay off your home mortgage?

Leave your J.O.B. (just over broke) and live
on the significant profit you can make?

What do folks have to say about our training?

I wouldn't be where I am now if it wasn't for Susannah Cole

Josh Knecht


"Went to a 1 day workshop - by far one of the most value packed training day's I've been on without the usual Sellathon. Would attend another without hesitation."

Keith San


"I joined TGPC’s mentoring program in February and have found it invaluable. Not only is the content excellent and informative but Susie’s enthusiasm and energy is infectious and her success inspiring. Her continued encouragement to dig deeper and push deals further has had a particularly big impact on me.

The last but possibly most valuable part of the program are the other mentees. The calibre of people in the class is high, each with their own expertise and skill set. Being able to draw on their knowledge and support is incredibly useful. Susie and the mentees make for such a strong and rich network to have at your fingertips. Obviously it’s great to call them friends too!"

Sara Nasralla


Susannah is ace. I was massively against education but I really rate Susannah. It’s very easy to get lost in property but Susannah manages to do it in a way that makes sense. Before I was just winging it but now everything is much more planned. Made me realise the importance of a bookkeeper. The conference call was really excellent.

Ryan Caruthers


susannah is a remarkable person, with enthusiasm and expertise to make things happen

Derek Jessop


I have the online Become a Deal Packager Bundle It's great training; Susannah's methods really do work.

Jamal Campbell


"I've known Susie for a couple of years and I've found her to be an absolutely incredible person. She is the one who has mentored us on how to get in to property and how to make property work for you."

Prakesh Patel


Since joining Property Entrepreneur Mentoring Group I’ve gained a large amount of knowledge, met other great people and I’ve been able to increase my own portfolio by £250,000, while raising another £250,000 for other projects.

Highly recommended.

Rohit Santa


Since coming on the mentoring course I have had the confidence to buy my first deal, a two bed semi detached house for £278,250 and turned it in two months for £360,000, with a refurbishment cost of £20k. I have now purchased my next project for £272,500.

Amanda & Pete Walters


As a direct result of the training, I have raised over £500,000 in private finance, and have learnt how to find property and create business relationships that are profitable. I have also done a fab Buy to Sell Project, £112k purchase price, £23,640 refurb, and sale price £170k, which was a great return on my money. I can’t recommend the training highly enough.

Josh Knecht


"After researching and being involved with many companies giving property education, The Good Property Company's mentoring is second to none! Clear, concise and very very detailed. It's exactly what you need when starting out.

I can now (if I choose) retire at 30!

All thanks to Susannah...
How can I possibly put a price on that!"

Josh Knecht


"In the five years before joining the TGPC mentoring course, I bought one property. In the year that I have been in the course, I have offered on five and bought one, while still running a full time employment."

Courtney Lawrence


I made a £7k first sourcing deal. Got paid 2 months after buying the Deal Packager Bundle

This lady has changed my life - best training out there. I have done 2 deals so far [£7k and £5k] and looking good for a third [£6k].

The deal packaging course is phenomenal and without doubt the best training I have received. I have bought a course before this one for double the price and was rubbish- hardly any content compared to this course

This is life changing for me

Pip Gallez


Fantastic day spent with the awesome @Susannahcoleuk. Such a fantastic successful business woman and genuinely lovely person who really cares about what she does. We loved every minutes of the day and enjoyed the supportive atmosphere. Thank you so much Susanna and the TGPC team.

Apogee Property Sourcing


Me and my business partner Danny have the deal sourcing pack and have learnt more on Susannah's [low price] package than we did with a course we paid £4,000 for, I am thankful we found you.

Jordan Miller

