Become A Deal Packager Workshop






Deal Packaging


A complete course on how to become a Deal Packager & earn Six Figures, without using mortgages, loans or debt! You don’t need any experience to earn six figures as a Deal Packager!

I’ll show you the step by step process to simply finding discounted deals, matching them with willing investors and get paid within weeks. 

If you sourced a £100k property you’d receive £5k with my systems. 

If you sourced a £200k property, you’d receive £10k.

 How about doing one a month, that would be £120k per annum. 

How about 1 per week, you’d receive revenue of £520,000, without having to buy the property or use your own funds to invest. 

Can you see how incredible Deal Packaging can be for the newer investor to property? 

Quick and powerful training to get more done than you ever thought possible.


Fast Track

Training Portal

all the tools and resources you need PLUS ‘how to’ videos explaining each step clearly. You can watch and study these wherever and whenever you want, taking you through the whole Deal Packaging Workshop in easy-to-follow stages. 

Join my Deal Packaging Workshop and get immediate access to the complete course:


Superb - Get Paid In Advance - Membership Plan

This will make sure you have cash coming in from the start, (my members paid £1k per year, each to join and we had around 50 per year), attract highly qualified prospects and launch your deal packaging business fast.

Super Productivity Plan

This will make sure you keep motivated, on track and launch your deal packaging business fast.

Pro Investor Profiles

You’ll get easy-to-follow techniques to help identify your target investors and attract highly qualified and cash rich prospects to pay you big bucks for your packaged deals!

Get Paid FAST - Within Minutes!

My processes ensured that 95-99% of my deals got reserved with a £1k deposit within 60 seconds of deal release. Processes to make this happen.

Climb the Value Ladder - Earn More!

How to go from earning great five figure Fees FAST in deal packaging to sharing the profits of the property 50/50


4 clear routes to property deals, with little known tips and secrets experienced deal sourcers usually keep to themselves.


Making sure you are compliant including links to all organisations you need to use

Sweet Spot Price Point

New deal packagers often underestimate how much they should charge. I’ll show you how to find the perfect price point for your deals to maximise sales AND profits and get deals sold in seconds!

Deal Packaging 101

You don’t need any property or deal sourcing experience to deliver highly profitable property deals. I’ll show you easy (and simple to follow) shortcuts to sourcing and packaging on deals your clients will love, which will enhance your credibility.

Deal Packaging Without The Rip Off Promise!

Every part of the course is designed to keep the property deal on track. I’ve hand-picked the most user-friendly vendor and investor processes and deal packaging agreement templates, to prevent you being cut out of the deal. Everything is explained in simple jargon-free steps that even the most inexperienced can follow with confidence.

Join the Deal Packaging Workshop now and receive these superb FREE bonuses worth in total £379:

Done-For-You Template Bundle:
Ready-to-Use Pre-Designed Templates including:

Deal Packaging Agency


Deal Packaging Agreement, created by my legal team, tried and tested by sourcing over 200 deals. Use it to protect you as you make fast five figure matching investors and deals and getting paid within a matter of weeks. Plus a membership fee t’s and c’s to bring in thousands in cash (we had on average 50 investors, each paying £1,000 to join!) from Day One!. Worth £49





No need for expensive copy writers, and worries over how to present yourself to your investors. Use this template which backed up my Deal Packaging Agency as we sourced over £45 million of deals for £30 million in less than 5 years. Fast track to creating your own brochure. Worth £29



‘Deal Report’

You don’t need any writing or design experience to deliver high impact professional BMV deal reports. I’ll show you easy shortcuts to create property deal reports your clients will love, paying you £thousands upon exchange, with even better, a £1,000 immediate reservation fee. Worth £29


Joint Venture


Joint Ventures allow you to benefit from 50% of the profit without investing a penny of your own money!  Created by my legal team, tried and tested by running a ton of Joint Venture Projects… for every Joint Venture you plan to do, no need to worry what an agreement looks like. Worth £49


Private Loan 


Working with private investors means you can start in property even if you don’t have enough money yourself (most property investors by the way!). Created by my legal team, tried and tested by raising £millions using this template… Again no need to worry what an agreement looks like, I got you covered with this template! Worth £49



‘Sourcing Offer System’

This templated sourcing system gives you a super simple approach to organise your deal sourcing, recording your viewings and offers and makes the whole process a breeze – means you can break down finding discounted property into manageable bite-sized chunks. Worth £29


Property Viewing 


Simple easy to follow property viewing template, which will allow you to easily break down the refurbishment needed and the physical condition of the discounted property even if you are inexperienced in renovating property. A step by step template I created when viewing thousands of deals, to ensure all vital information for costing the refurb is captured easily and simply. You’ll find property viewings a breeze with this template on your side! Worth £29


Auction Deal 


These pre-designed and ready-to-use system templates will save you precious time and money. A simple step by step template covering every aspect of buying from auction, including, as a bonus, the process needed of you chose to go to auction with an investor who is funding the deal. Simple, manageable bit-sized chunks so that you can understand and succeed at buying profitable properties at auction. Worth £29


BMV Property

‘Deal Conveyancing’


This is where the money is! Getting your discounted deals over the line and you getting paid the big bucks! Even inexperienced or new property investors can follow this simple yet detailed templated conveyancing ‘ Getting Your Deal Bought’. I’ll guide you step by step to getting your BMV property in the bag and you being paid, through this template. Worth £29


30 Day Action  


you don’t need any property or developing experience to deliver a highly profitable property strategy. With my online training, I’ll show you easy (and low-tech) shortcuts to delivering six figure profitable property projects. But you do need to get started! This 30 day fast action plan will make sure you keep motivated, on track and launch your property business fast. Worth £29


Deal Packaging



One of the easiest ways to ensure you are compliant as a Deal Packager is to check off this checklist with direct links to the organisations you need to register with, to be a professional and compliant property deal packager. I’ll show you the quick and simple steps to ensure compliance which then allow you to use professional logos on all your investor marketing material, to deepen your credibility. Worth £29


What can you earn with 

Deal Packaging?

It is helpful to benchmark what you can achieve with others who have worked with this online Deal Packaging Workshop knowledge

Serious Cash Fast (within weeks) for Deal Sourcing Fees


Sourcing Fee

Purchase Price: £180,000

Refurb Costs: £15,000

Sold: £280,000 

British Road


Sourcing Fee

Purchase Price: £150,000

Refurb Costs: £40,000

Sold: £230,000 

Cloverlea Road


Sourcing Fee

Purchase Price: £180,000

Refurb £35,000 (approx)

Sold: £256,750 

Hedwick Street 


Sourcing Fee

Purchase Price: £222,000

Sold for: £312,101

Gatton Road


Sourcing Fee

Purchase Price £335,000

End Value: £440,000

4 Flats and 4 Investors

Argyle Street


Sourcing Fee

Purchase price £270,000
End Value: £402,000
4 Flats, 4 Investors

Church Road

How would you use

Cash you Generate

from Deal Packaging?

Use it to buy more property for Buy to Let,
for passive income, (my preferred spend)?

To give yourself or your family a treat?
Fancy car or holiday, anyone?!

To pay off your home mortgage?

Leave your J.O.B. (just over broke) and live
on the significant profit you can make?

What do folks have to say about our training?

"Susannah is the consummate professional in everything she does. An Individual with such drive and focus to achieve her goals that it becomes infectious when in her company. Susannah is skilled in getting people to see what and where they are going wrong in business and helping them lay the foundations to make the necessary changes. I can not thank Susannah enough for helping me change my mindset and my business around."

Gary Elliot



Apologies for it being so slow, please find below some headline figures with message as requested.

Working with Susannah and her team has been an extraordinary experience. She makes it easy to apply our learning, breaking up a goal into little tasks, so that we can focus our minds. Her light hearted but reassuring workshops also ''gently'' pushes you out of your comfort zone, helping you realize what tasks are necessary to achieve your goals. The friends I have made on the journey has also been a big part of programme, it was great to bounce ideas off each other and share experiences.

While under her wing I was able to complete my most recent project in Bristol. With Susannah's guidance, I was able to achieve maximum profit from my project.

My latest project figures:

Purchase price: £203,000
Refurb: £32,000
Valuation: £275,000
Profit: £35,000 - ''Chaching'' !
Time frame: 6 months from offer accepted!

Property is immensely satisfying when you get it right, not to mention bringing you a step financially forward in life!

Emily Choo


As a new property investor, I firstly overcame the fear and did my first (successful) buy-to-let - and now I have the knowledge and confidence do multiple deals every year. Susannah's teaching - and the mentoring group as a whole - gives tons of practical information, support and inspiration.

Iain France


"The Good Property Company is brilliant. I attended a training day there - the course contents were top-class, the atmosphere was positive, the teaching-style was engaging. The venue is just right for small to medium group sessions, and there is free parking. They also make fab tea and cake and deliver it to you in your seat. I've enrolled on further training as there is so much more i will gain from Suzannahs knowledge and experience."

Vauna Beauvais


"Susannah is a dynamo of ideas and energy and impressed our audience at Nottingham pin with her seemingly effortless way to success in property. We enjoyed the useful course we attended at her Bristol HQ where we learnt some great ideas."

Paul Reddington


I made a £7k first sourcing deal. Got paid 2 months after buying the Deal Packager Bundle

This lady has changed my life - best training out there. I have done 2 deals so far [£7k and £5k] and looking good for a third [£6k].

The deal packaging course is phenomenal and without doubt the best training I have received. I have bought a course before this one for double the price and was rubbish- hardly any content compared to this course

This is life changing for me

Pip Gallez


My year in the online mentoring is coming to an end, And I wanted to thank you for putting this program which benefited me like a glove. A year on and I moved from thinking of wanting to be a property investor from my home in Spain to moving to Liverpool and buying my first BTS property at auction, refurbing it and pulling all my money out , Raising private finance and now just about to complete the purchase of 2 more properties I sourced from an estate agent.
Your support and advise a long the way was amazing and i'm feeling a bit nervous now as I will look for my mentor needs to take me through to my next year of property investments.

Thank you
Eiran Samuels

Eiran Samuels


I'm a deal sourcer thanks to Susannah's course. It's brill!

Tanya Edwards


I am so glad that I have found The Good Property Company. I know that you all can help me to achieve goals. I can’t wait to crack on with the next module!

Carole WIlliams


Deal reports are very good

Jonathan Millard


Susannah was superb, what a great course, and what a lovely person she is, not to mention the Team. Absolutely recommended.

Alan Mackenzie-Wintle


I love the bundle, it's full of information that’s easy to process.

Jacqueline Batson


And I wanted to thank you for putting this program which benefited me like a glove. A year on and I moved from thinking of wanting to be a property investor from my home in Spain to moving to Liverpool and buying my first BTS property at auction, refurbing it and pulling all my money out , Raising private finance and now just about to complete the purchase of 2 more properties I sourced from an estate agent. Your support and advice along the way was amazing, Thank you

Eiran Samuels


The content is amazing in the courses. I have the deal packaging, flipping and beginners guide. I've started with the deal packaging course and there is so much content to go through!

John Hope


Since joining Property Entrepreneur Mentoring Group I’ve gained a large amount of knowledge, met other great people and I’ve been able to increase my own portfolio by £250,000, while raising another £250,000 for other projects.

Highly recommended.

Rohit Santa
