Property Investing 2.0


In 2011, Susannah established the Good Property Company from her kitchen table, aiming to source deals and invest in property. Within 3.5 years, she achieved property millionaire status, handling over 200 deals worth £45 million. In this follow-up to episode 11, the discussion delves into property investing stages, portfolio building, emphasizing property efficiencies, and analyzing the current market. Topics also include cash flow vs. capital growth and strategies for investing in a declining market.


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What will I receive

I’m sharing everything I learnt on my journey to sourcing over £45 million of investment properties for an agreed purchase price of £30 million

I’m learning a lot and so will you

Download the Free 101 Property Lessons right now.

From ‘I could never do that’ to ‘Wow! I’m a financially free multi millionaire’

I’m sharing everything I learnt on my journey to sourcing over £45 million of investment properties for an agreed purchase price of £30 million

I’m learning a lot and so will you

#262: The state of the property investing space (Frank Flegg & Susannah Cole)