Aditi Kapur


I attended the Joint Ventures – Pitching And Paperwork mentoring weekend as a Golden Ticket holder. As a new member it’s sometimes a little daunting joining an established group. The group was very welcoming and encouraging, which puts you quickly at ease. There is a solid attitude of sharing knowledge, which is very refreshing.

There are practical exercises throughout the weekend that you can participate in, where people participate at a level that is comfortable for them. Some choosing to take themselves out of their comfort zone to push their boundaries.

The weekend was amazing. I found that I came home filled with excitement and energy to move forward.


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I’m sharing everything I learnt on my journey to sourcing over £45 million of investment properties for an agreed purchase price of £30 million

I’m learning a lot and so will you

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From ‘I could never do that’ to ‘Wow! I’m a financially free multi millionaire’

I’m sharing everything I learnt on my journey to sourcing over £45 million of investment properties for an agreed purchase price of £30 million

I’m learning a lot and so will you